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Rolling Line

Left picture is normal rolling process flow chart. We can produce galvanized plate, tin plate,automobile plate and aluminum plate with differernt raw material and tandem rolling mill. Because the roll is the one most important component of mill, the quality of roll becomes the key factor of quality of all kinds coils.Beside it,because of different application of kinds of coils,the requirement of roll is also different which include: material, hardness, CHD, shape design and so on. We hope you can know the roughly process based on the flow chart.
As picture shows, it is the tandem rolling mill which contains five six roll mill. There are work roll,intermediate roll ,back up roll in each mill. The work roll is directly contact with the rolling plate which should bear high rolling pressure, intermediate roll coordinate cooperation of backup roll and work roll for better shape of plate. Backup roll transfer the rolling force to the other roll,and support them steadly during rolling process.
  • Galvanized Sheet

  • Galvanized Plate Coil

  • Tin Plate

  • Tin Plate Coil

  • Color Coated Sheet

  • Automobile Sheet